Sunday, March 6, 2011

Round 2 In The Books

Just a quick final blog before heading home for R&R. I actually don't have much to say...shocking I know.

I can't wait to be home. This tour has been a difficult one to put it mildly. But looking back to Nov. 5th when I landed in Kabul on my way back, it honestly doesn't fell that long ago. Thankfully this time when I return I shouldn't have to go through Kabul. That place still makes my skin crawl.

One more wake up and I will be on my way home. I am stumbling into tomorrow. As I have been going through all my stuff trying to find someone to hand it off to for coverage, I have been amazed at both how much I have done, and how much I have let slip in the past 4+ months. It already has me stressed about the pile that will be on my desk when I get back. I have been trying to hide in my office so that I can get organized, but my door is like a turn style these days. A few of us have started calling the time after dinner the time for us to start our day jobs. It really is the only time that you can get some peace and quiet to work without the constant putting out of fires. When I get back is when the official turn over of the keys to this place is going to happen.....have I mentioned being tired?

The rain has of course not left completely, still getting the occasional day of it. Hopefully when  I get back it will be completely gone, unless some vegetation is planing on sprouting up around here I can do without it. It amazes me just how muddy the moon dust gets. I can't wait to get home and see some grass, trees, maybe a flowering plant of some kind would be a nice treat.

Today we poured the final foundation on the large Fuel Distribution project here. And as all good Project Managers do, I showed up for a photo op. This is me and my friend that I suckered into coming over to work with me. The same friend that I had to ask to push his first R&R back almost a month because we would have overlapped.....sense a trend with this R&R thing?

Chris & I with our hands in our pockets while others work.

Can't wait to see everyone back home, I'll be the one sleep walking through the neighborhood.