Cribs- Kandahar Style

Me in my going out clothes.

Entrance to the palace. My bedroom is to the left. To the right is an empty bedroom I am using as a mudroom....uh....sandroom.

The South Wing. My Bedroom.

My bed, with my fancy $20 sheet/blanket combo for the base store. I think they are a 10 thread count. They might be more abrasive than the sand. Note the proximity of the body armor and helmet! 

My night time workspace.

ok....this has to be a joke. I am in possibly one of the most testosterone driven places on the planet and this is what I find in my shower! Who did this? Dolphins? In the desert? I am keeping it just simply for the reality check that it provides.
Spare room opposite mine. Serves as my place to dump my dusty clothes when I come in.

Office entrance....looks like a bad horror movie is happening in there.

My desk on the left, this place is filthy and unorganized. Once the old timer leaves in a few days this place is going to get a full Extreme Makeover. I can't wait.

Conference room in the back. That is if you don't die of dust inhalation before you get there.
We get 1 tall pallet of water delivered each month.

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