Kandahar Airport

My new home away from home. This place is old, dirty, and antiquated, but it's mine and I'm in charge now, so change....it is a comin'. In time I should have some good after shots of the improvements. That's me on the first floor in front of the trucks, since there's hardly anyone here I took the entire unit, good to be the king!

View from the second floor, that's the office unit straight ahead, got a lovely covered porch for entertaining, and an outside seating area for the days when it is not hot or dusty, so basically never. Just past the power pole is the road that leads to one of the gates. You can see how congested this portion of the base is.

Driving down the perimeter road near the airfield. Over the wall to the left is not a recommended place to be. You can see the mountain in the distance, it's where most of the fighting is.
TLS (Taliban's Last Stand) This building is where forces took back the Airfield from the Taliban on December 7, 2001 after they had used it in conjunction with a training site just down the road to plan the attacks of 9/11. This building is now used as the main processing area for troops coming in and going home. The walls are littered with bullet holes.

Russian fighter plane out by the airfield. The Soviets were here from 1979-1989.

Another Russian left over.

Anyone need a truck? 1 of many open lots full of trucks.
And another.

And another.

And another. All these pictures were taken from the same spot, just in different directions.
This truck was brought it yesterday, hit a roadside bomb, driver has broken ribs, no one else hurt...amazing.

Probably explains all the extra trucks!

Every Saturday approved local vendors are let on base, lots of local made goods, but also plenty of  knock off stuff as well....watches, sunglasses, bags.

There is a board walk with take out food and a few shops, inside it also has basketball courts, soccer field, and yes...a hockey rink. Street hockey that is, and guess who built it.......the Canadians.

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