Spider Bite

 Day 3
The forehead began to grow............and hurt.
Went to the hospital but was turned away as civilians are only seen for emergencies there. Luckily there is a walk in clinic here, at least I think luckily. 

Given antibiotics and anti inflammatory meds.

Day 4

Getting ready for my Star Trek audition.

 Day 5

After a reenactment of a scene from aliens last night, the "pressure was relieved". No I won't post that picture, you'll have to email me if you want it!
Today the blob has started to head down my face, really a lovely look if you ask me.

Day 6

Finally starting to clear. Huge bags under my eyes when i first got up, looked like I had been in a fight. This picture is from 11am, already the bags are starting to spread to my cheeks. One more day and I should be back to my pretty self.

Day 7

Almost there...I hope. Started off with what felt like pretty swollen cheeks, been getting better as the day goes on. The original bite area is still pretty pronounced, but at least I'm not looking like the elephant man anymore.