I officially leave KAF at 1:45pm, but until I see the destination of USA up on the board in Dubai I'm not counting it.
It will be my 98th day since leaving for Detroit on July 13th, and my 92nd day in the desert. Hopefully the time on the planes (nearly 20 hours total) will go by quickly, it might just be the best flight of my life considering the destination. I can't wait to see Jolie and the boys at the airport.
What a whirlwind this has been. I still look back and wonder how it all happened. Who the hell would have thought that I would be here? I certainly didn't. It's hard to explain the feeling about going home, I couldn't be more excited. I quite literally have butterflies in my stomach tonight just thinking about it.
I couldn't be more at peace with things in my life right now, this first three months has taught me so much not only about the war and the people of both sides, but I've learned so much about myself in such a short time that I could have never done without being here. You learn to adjust, you learn to accept what is out of your control, you learn that you really don't need everything that you thought you did. I mean really, what would a nice big boat do for me over here anyway? Don't get me wrong, being away from the family has been brutal, I get torn up sometimes after talking with the boys on skype, sometimes it just hits me hard when I am talking to them and realizing that life for them is still moving forward, and I'm missing it. I am always wondering how they are doing without me around. Believe me, Jolie is a rockstar, and she's got things going full speed ahead there, but I wonder constantly about them and how they are handling not having Dad around. It's funny thought, I bet I think about it more than them.
I started to make a list the other night about all the things that I wanted to do when I got home. From the obvious...see the boys soccer & baseball games, got to eat some food that actually tastes and looks appropriate, maybe breathe some non dusty air...the list was starting to get long. And that's when I realized exactly what it is that I want to do when I get home......be home. That's all. Just be home, whether that's on the couch watching a movie as a family, hanging out in the yard with the boys, maybe take the dog for a walk, how about see true blue sky and maybe even some clouds, and if it rains..you'll find me laying in a puddle. But most of all I just want to be home. I just want to be back to some semblance of normalcy. I really can't wait.

So you all can take the next 2 weeks of from desperately checking the blog, no offense, I ain't blogging from home. You will just have to wait until Nov. 4th to hear all about the trip to Disney and everything else that will happen far too fast for me.
Here's to everyone on the plane tomorrow practicing proper hygiene....
Have a safe trip!