Friday, July 9, 2010


Hey all-
So after numerous people suggested that i should do a blog while i am i am, what can i say, i'm a pleaser. Hopefully i will be able to post frequently, though i am not quite sure what my access will be, but just add that to the list of many unknowns that lie ahead of me.

ok, the countdown has officially begun. I leave Monday morning for of all places....Detroit! I have spent the past month since deciding to take this job trying to imagine what the feeling of that plane taking off will be like as i head over seas and into a war zone. Now i have to go to the company's headquarters in Detroit for 3 days before having that sensation. Detroit? are you crazy? that place is dangerous!! Maybe the plan is to drop me off in the city at midnight with a map to the hotel, if i make there alive, i will be prepared for Afghanistan.
It is such mixed feelings right now, great excitement and anticipation, yet to get those i need to say goodbye to Jolie and the boys. Yikes, Monday morning is going to suck. I feel sorry for the person who will be next to me on the plane, i'm gonna be a mess....just ask my wife.


  1. Hey Steve:
    Good luck with your new endeavor. We look forward to getting updates - this forum is a great idea. Stay healthy and don't worry "He's got your back".
    Jim, June, Andrew & Evan

  2. Muelln't...
    Will call you this weekend. Intentionally didn't call earlier this week as I knew you were spending quality time with Jolie and the boys. Talk soon...

  3. Please be very carefull over there. I will miss you and will be looking forward to hearing about Your new job. Good luck Arlene

  4. Camp Leatherneck... get ready! I will be thinking and praying for you ALL often! They are lucky to have you and I am honored to know such a courageous man. God bless you. Sharon

  5. Steve - Best of luck, we're thinking of you and can't wait to read how you're adjusting to life over there. Your family is supported by so many people, they are in good hands! Post often (if you can) and we look forward to seeing you soon!!!
    - The Sheally Family

  6. AnonymousJuly 12, 2010

    did you bring the bike??? ;) take GOOD care!

  7. Hi Steve, Your last blog almost made me cry. the boys look good shaving your hair off. Send your address. good luck. I love you. arlene
