Friday, July 16, 2010

Stuck in Dubai...woohooo!!!

So after about 15 hours of flying I got to Dubai around midnight local time last night.  I was exhausted.

When I checked in I got a message from my office, basically I am staying in Dubai until at least Monday. Turns out that Camp Bastion has changed some of the requirements to get on base and I now need a Visa.And I go through Bastion (UK run) to get to Leatherneck (US run). 2 weeks ago another new employes came over and he had no problems, so lucky me. My contact in Afghanistan is coming to Dubai on Monday to help me get it filed. So I guess I get to play tourist for a few days which I have absolutely no problems with! Today will mostly be a rest day though. Even after getting about 5 hours sleep last night I am still a walking zombie, plus I need to be reachable by the company so we can get a few things worked out before the weekend and no one is in the office. There is a metro station next to the hotel that goes into the downtown area that you always see on TV, so tomorrow morning I will go on what could be the most interesting train ride of my life, assuming there are no trains for me in Afghanistan!

First impressions of Dubai.....little bit warm. At midnight it was 101 degrees. When the doors opened to go out of the airport it hit me llike a ton of bricks. Side note: I instantly was thankful of Jolie recomending that I get moisture wicking underwear. They actually have fans outside blowing water vapor on you as you wait for the taxis. There is no shortage of flash here, I am staying at what might be the nicest Holiday Inn Express known to man. My company owns a Villa here but it is being used right now so they started using the Holiday Inn next to the airport for convenience. Talk about modern, I had to go back to the desk last night to ask how I turn on the lights!

I'll try and post again soon with some touristy tidbits!


  1. Glad you're there, safe and sound. Get some sleep and then go skiing at Mall of the Emirates. Supposed to be utterly unique. Stay safe

  2. Sounds fun Steve-O. Send some pics I you can. Not of your weird underwear though! Trace
